Monday, May 21, 2007


WTF? Ok, I'm sorry, but I'm downright pissed right now and feel I must get it out on paper. BLOOOOODY... seriously.

When a friend tells you "... wondered how seriously i take you, and i said not so much" what the hell is that suppose to mean? Especially if its someone you actually care about.. especially if that person is someone who always says how much they appreciate your friendship etc, whom you've given advice to previously and them appreciating it and ... WTF? Ok seriously, I don't even know how to response to X person. I am lost for words.. and probably more hurt that I can express right now. Actually no, I am hurt, I'm crying damn it. Love if fleeting. That one sentence has shook my world. Thank you for completely making me conscious of every friendship I have now. THIS IS WHY I AM NOT OPEN WITH PEOPLE. You asked me why? Now you know.

I think perhaps, its that "take you seriously" part that I really cherish in friendships. If you don't take me seriously then why would I waste my breath on you? I'm sorry, but I think that just ruined a friendship. I don't think there is really anything person X can say that will recover from this one sentence. I don't really think there is any other way to take that.

Ok, I'm just going to let myself wallow in this for about 30 seconds and move on. Person X really doesn't deserve much more than 30 seconds.
